CFC Church Leaders

Senior Pastor
Devon Smith

Leader, Deacon Ministry
Beverly Murray

Minister, Christian Education
Kerry Atkins

Leader, Social Ministry
Lurline Barrett

President, Women's Ministry
Position open

President, Men's Ministry
Devon Smith
CFC Background & Appointment
Community Fellowship Church (CFC) of Boynton Beach, FL was called into existence under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in November of 2004 through our founder and Pastor, Devon W. Smith, with a mandate to impact the world with the love of Jesus Christ, one community at a time
CFC had its humble beginnings as a prayer meeting in Pastor Devon’s living room with Pastor Devon and 2 other families. The meetings were blessed and others began to attend. To accommodate the growth, one of the members offered her garage as a meeting place. The blessings continued and soon after that an opportunity came for them to rent a one unit store-front facility in the Yatchman’s Plaza in Boynton Beach, FL. From there they moved to a 4 unit store-front Worship Center in the same plaza. Currently worshipping at Boynton Beach Intracoastal Park facilities
Over the course of these years, we have seen lives changed, souls saved, the sick healed and the community impacted with the love of Jesus Christ.
This CFC ministry is anointed and appointed to impact people of all ethnicity, culture and race to prepare them for the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. He promised to return to receive His bride “The Church”
We believe we are called for such a time as this and with this realization, there is an urgency to go into all the world to make disciples for Jesus Christ by Preaching & Teaching the inspired Word of God as presented in the Holy Bible and Baptizing believers in the Name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit in obedience to the Great Commission outlined in the book of St Matthew 28:19-20
We welcome your presence and partnership in this great calling so we invite you to come worship with us and be a part of this great work.
You will find in us a group of people
- Who love the Lord our God with all our hearts
- Actively celebrate His people.