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Women's Ministry

Women on the move for the Kingdom


Position Open

Vice President

Lurline Barett

Vision Statement:

Empowering Women to impact the World for the Kingdom of God one Woman at a time.

Foundational Scripture:

Proverbs 31:19-21 (NLT)
Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber. She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. She has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes.

CFC Women’s Mission

The Harvest is ready but the workers are few. With those words in mind, the Women of CFC have embarked on a mission to equip and empower women to join forces to touch lives in ways only a woman can: Spiritually by studying, living and spreading the Word of God while at the same time teaching life skills that will enable women to minister to other women in the wider community for the Kingdom of God.

CFC Women’s Ministry Meets Every 1st Monday Of Each Quarter

Marjorie McLean
(President, Women’s Ministry)

Marjorie came to CFC as a young Believer and has developed with the ministry over the years.

Marjorie quickly became involved and participated in most of the ministries at CFC including: Sunday School Ministry, Ushering Ministry, Finance Committee Ministry among others. She currently serves as the President of the Women’s Ministry.

Marjorie has a passion to support and encourage women to fulfill their holistic calling as women of God. She believes that women should be effective at providing support and leadership roles in the home, in places of employment and in the church.

Her vision for the CFC Women’s Ministry is to provide an environment that will equip and empower women to join forces to touch lives in ways only a woman can. Her approach to accomplishing this vision is twofold:

  1. Spiritually by studying, living and spreading the Word of God
  2. Economically by teaching life skills that will enable women to minister to other women in the wider community for the Kingdom of God

In her free time, Marjorie enjoys decorating, fashion, traveling and watching basketball. 

Lurline Barrett
(Leader, Social Ministry)

Deaconess Lurline fell in love with CFC church since the first time she visited in September 2010 and has been a faithful member since then.

She believes in blooming where she is planted and so as soon as she became a member at CFC, she poured herself into helping to build the CFC ministry.

Deaconess Lurline served in various ministries including but not limited to: Church Greeter Ministry, Ushering Ministry, Deacon Ministry, Moderating Ministry, Communion Service Ministry and Finance Committee Ministry. She currently serves as the Leader of the Social Ministry and also as the Vice President of the CFC Women’s Ministry

Deaconess Lurline possess a spirit of excellence, everything she does is with perfection in mind. As the Leader of the Social Ministry, she oversees all the social events at CFC including church dinners, luncheons etc. She is a wonderful asset to the CFC Ministry and she is loved by everyone who comes in contact with her.

Her hobbies include: cooking, cricket, soccer, gardening. 

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